• 中等支撐運動胸罩• 交叉胸罩肩帶• 羅紋底帶• 可拆式襯墊• 背面印有WISKII 標誌• 布料:54% 尼龍, 38% 聚酯纖維, 8% 彈性纖維• 模特兒身高 5 英尺 6 英寸,所穿尺寸為 S• 顏色:蟒蛇象牙色• 產品代碼:WS810
Tanya 運動內衣的設計注重性能和活力,採用耐用的中等支撐結構和安全的羅紋底帶輪廓,增強您的運動能力並凸顯您的體形。 Tanya 系列擁有三種強烈的色彩,與您一樣充滿活力;一個讓您煥發光彩的系列。
I don't like python, but the quality of this bra is really good. It's a nice try.
Love how the website says what size the model is wearing. It fits perfect, and gives you boobs even if you have none.
WISKII always surprised me, the activewear are comfortable to use, with beautiful colors never bored. I absolutely love this bra!
It holds me well and fit perfectly, I don't feel tight or uncomfortable even when I'm doing a big motion.
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