WISKII 試穿:可愛舒適的運動服
Viki Keepu:今天我正在拍攝一個非常好的視頻,這次我從WISKII收到瞭如此漂亮的物品。這是一家網上商店,這是我第二次與他們合作,他們確實有非常漂亮可愛的運動服裝,適合瑜伽、健身和其他您喜歡做的活動。
- 裁切長度
- 抽繩風帽
- 手腕被銬
- 露肩
立即購買:WISKII Mirto 拉鍊上衣& WISKII 百褶裙

- 長袖拉鍊上衣
- 可拆卸襯墊
- V 領
- 壓縮內建短褲
- 彈性腰帶
- 百褶雪紡裙
立即購買:Kono 長袖短上衣
- 長袖短上衣
- 可拆式襯墊
- U 領
Good afternoon! My name is Maria. I am a ugc creator and I would like to offer you a collaboration. I really like your activewear’s, and I would like to shoot some interesting video where I will show how I unpack, put on and work out in it and how great they look.
Good afternoon! My name is Maria. I am a ugc creator and I would like to offer you a collaboration. I really like your activewear’s, and I would like to shoot some interesting video where I will show how I unpack, put on and work out in it and how great they look.