Returns and Exchanges
You can cancel the order before it ships from our warehouse. Please send your request to to confirm if it can be successfully cancelled.
We do not offer exchanges at this time. Please follow the return steps for the items you wish to exchange and submit a new order for your new items.
- We will gladly accept returns within 14 days after delivery. Returned items must be unworn, unwashed, unaltered, stain-free, in sellable condition, with all tags attached and in original packaging.
- A $3.99 handling fee will be applied to each returned item and deducted from your final refund.
- A maximum of 10 returned items are accepted per order.
- Customers are responsible for return shipping fees and customs duties associated with the return parcels. (Please note, we could not provide return labels at this time, and customs duties collected upon delivery will be deducted from the final refund.)
- Please initiate returns using the 'Start a return' button below. Refunds will only be issued when products are returned to the designated address provided via our email after return request is approved. Do not send products back to the address on the shipping label received with the parcel.
- Please ensure that you ship the return parcel within 14 days after your return request is approved. Once shipped, kindly email us the tracking number at (Please note, WISKII is not responsible for any lost returns.)
- Please leave a note in the package with your order number and reasons for returns.
- Outbound shipping fees and Worry-Free Purchase (Insurance) from the original order are not refundable.
- Please allow up to 10 business days for processing the refund once the package is marked delivered. You will be notified via email when the refund has been issued.
Start a Return
Easy return is now available. Please click the button to start your return process.
Customer Service
Please contact us at for further assistance. (Make sure to provide your email when checking out in-store.)
(Last Updated: July 12, 2024)